Part 12: Wall ornates - Part 1


Source code
Executable for the map editor (Windows 32bits)

The game should not work properly in this part. I'll fix it in the next part.

Before you try to compile the code go to the "Projects" tab on the left menu, select the "Run" settings for your kit,
and set the "Working directory" to the path of "editor\data" for the editor.

The ornates

The "ornates" are all the graphical elements that appears on the ground or on the walls.
It may be purely decoratives - moss, hooks, manacles... - but it may also be interactive elements likes switches, levers,
the champions pictures in the first level, the keyholes, the altars or the texts written on the walls.

Here is a quick look of the ornates in the original graphics.

Now let's try to display a single ornate - say the manacles because they are big.
When we look at the graphics for the manacles, we see that there is only 2 sprites for them, one facing and one for the left side.

But in the game we can see them on various walls, far or near:

So how does it work ?
First of all, obviously, if the ornate should appear on a right wall instead of a left one, the graphics of the left was simply
flipped horizontally.

Then, as you can see the farther the wall is, the smaller the ornate appears.
Back in the days, there was few computers with zoomed sprites. So the shrinked versions of the ornates were pre-calculated at the beginning
of the game.
The graphics routines we use can stretch the graphics so we won't have to pre-calculate them. In fact if you looked at the sources when we
flipped the walls in the last part, it was done by a scale of -1 on the X-axis.

The graphics also appears darker when they are farther from us, to match the wall colors. It is clearly visible on the apple, and a bit less
noticeable on the manacles.
That's because there is another limitation to take into account. The game's graphics were palletized, so when they were pre-calculated,
the pixels could only take a few number of colors.
We won't have this limitation either, so our ornates should look nicer.

But we'll talk about the details of the rendering later. Now let's just create a database that contains the datas we will need.
We will call it "ornates.xml":

		<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
			<ornate name="None">

			<ornate name="Manacles">
				<pos_front x="66" y="71"/>
				<pos_side x="30" y="73"/>
We have the graphics files for our 2 sprites which correspond to the nearest walls, and their positions on the screen.
The game will read all those datas and compute the positions for the scaled images according to the walls positions.

This database will also be copied in the editor's data folder. The editor will only need the ornates names.
Note for later: I'll have to reorganize the data folders to avoid those copies...
But let's look how we will set the ornates in the editor.

Additional parameters in "walls.xml"

When we select a wall in the editor, we want to see something like that:

But the second ComboBox will not be set like the first one. In fact we will need to have different parameters for each type of walls.
Let's say for example that this first type will be a simple wall with only a decorative ornate.
The type 2 could be a wall with a text so we would have a string parameter.
The 3rd type would be for switches and levers, so we would have 2 ornates ComboBoxes - one for the off state and one for the on state -
and perhabs an boolean parameter to hold the state of the switch.
And so on.

For flexibility we won't hard code those types into the editor.
So we will have to create dynamically the ComboBoxes, text fields, or other buttons for these parameters.
First we will modify "walls.xml" to define our additional parameter:

		<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
			<wall name="Nothing">

			<wall name="Simple">
				<param type="ornate">Ornate</param>
At the moment, we only have one parameter type. We define it in an enum so that the code will be more readable when we will have more types:

		enum EParamType
			eParamOrnate = 0,
To store the parameters names in the code, we define a vector of vectors of CParamType structures in the map:

		struct CParamType
			EParamType  mType;
			QString     mName;

		class CMap
			std::vector<std::vector<CParamType>>  mWallsParams; // list of the params for each type of wall
There are 2 vectors because:
  • We have several wall types
  • For each wall type there can be several parameters

  • We have to change readWallsDB() to read these parameters types and names:
    		void    CEditor::readWallsDB(QString fileName)
    				std::vector paramsTypesList;
    				if (wall.tagName() == "wall")
    					CWallData   newWall;
    						if (wallInfo.tagName() == "image")
    						else if (wallInfo.tagName() == "param")
    							QString paramType = wallInfo.attribute("type");
    							if (paramType == "ornate")
    								CParamType  newParamType;
    								newParamType.mType = eParamOrnate;
    								newParamType.mName = wallInfo.text();
    						wallInfo = wallInfo.nextSibling().toElement();
    				wall = wall.nextSibling().toElement();

    The parameters values

    Now that we have the parameter types and names, let's see how we store their values in each wall.
    We define a base CParam class, and each type of parameter will derive from this class:
    		class CParam
    			EParamType  mType;
    		class CParamOrnate : CParam
    			uint8_t mValue;
    The CWall class will contain a vector of those CParams:
    		std::vector<CParam*>    mParams;
    But in fact the CWall class has completely changed...
    Before, it only contained a mType variable. But now, every time we change this type, we have to reallocate the list of all the parameters
    that are associated with this type.
    So here is what the CWall declaration looks like now:
    		class CWall
    			virtual ~CWall();
    			void    setType(uint8_t type);
    			uint8_t getType();
    			CWall&  operator=(CWall& rhs);
    			void    load(FILE* handle);
    			void    save(FILE* handle);
    			std::vector<CParam*>    mParams;
    			void    deleteParams();
    			uint8_t mType;
    So let me explain all those functions.

    getType() simply returns the value of mType, there is nothing special with it.
    		uint8_t CWall::getType()
    			return  mType;
    deleteParams() clears the parameters list:
    		void CWall::deleteParams()
    			for (size_t i = 0; i < mParams.size(); ++i)
    				delete mParams[i];
    The setType() function changes the value of mType. And as I said before it reallocates the parameters for this type:
    		void CWall::setType(uint8_t type)
    			if (mType == type)
    			mType = type;
    			// allocate the params
    			std::vector& paramTypes = map.mWallsParams[type];
    			for (size_t i = 0; i < paramTypes.size(); ++i)
    				CParam* newParam = NULL;
    				switch (paramTypes[i].mType)
    					case eParamOrnate:
    						newParam = (CParam*)(new CParamOrnate);
    So I had to change every place in the code where the mType of the wall was used or modified to replace them with these set and get functions.

    load() and save() are pretty self-explanatory they are used to save the type of the wall along with all it's parameters.

    And finally the "=" operator is used for the copy, cut and paste functions, that I had to modify too.

    Creating the widgets

    Now that we have the parameters and their values, it's time to see how we display them in the editor.
    So for our simple parameter, we have to display a label for it's name and a ComboBox

    We will use 2 qml files as models that we will load at run time:
    		import QtQuick 2.5
    		import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
    		Label {
    			height: 20
    			text: qsTr("Test")
    			verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
    			horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
    			renderType: Text.QtRendering
    ... and "ParamComboBox.qml"...
    		import QtQuick 2.5
    		import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
    		ComboBox {
    			property int identifier: -1
    			currentIndex: -1
    			onCurrentIndexChanged: bridge.setSelParamCombo(identifier, currentIndex);
    We will add these widget to the grids in the differents selections "sheets" so, we have to get pointers to these grids in "main.cpp":
    		QQuickItem*     tileSelGrid;
    		QQuickItem*     wallSelGrid;
    		QQuickItem*     objSelGrid;
    		QObject *rootObject = engine.rootObjects().first();
    		tileSelGrid = qobject_cast(rootObject->findChild("tSelGrid"));
    		wallSelGrid = qobject_cast(rootObject->findChild("wSelGrid"));
    		objSelGrid = qobject_cast(rootObject->findChild("oSelGrid"));
    Our widgets will be created in the toolSelect() function, every time we select a single wall:
    		void    CEditor::toolSelect()
    			if (bridge.leftPressed == true)
    				switch (bridge.mTabIndex)
    				case eTabWalls:
    					if (isSelectSingleWall() == true)
    						EWallSide   side = getWallSideAbs(mSelectStart);
    						uint8_t     type = map.getTile(>mWalls[side].getType();
    		void    CEditor::addWallParamsItems(uint8_t type)
    			CVec2       pos = mSelectStart / TILE_SIZE;
    			EWallSide   side = getWallSideAbs(mSelectStart);
    			CWall*      wall = &map.getTile(pos)->mWalls[side];
    			std::vector<CParamType>& sourceList = map.mWallsParams[type];
    			for (size_t i = 0; i < sourceList.size(); ++i)
    				CParam* param = wall->mParams[i];
    				if (sourceList[i].mType == eParamOrnate)
    					CParamOrnate*   par = (CParamOrnate*)param;
    					addLabel(wallSelGrid, sourceList[i].mName + ":", &mWallParamItems);
    					addComboBox(wallSelGrid, bridge.ornatesList, &mWallParamItems, i, par->mValue);
    And here are the functions that really loads the qml files and creates the widgets from them. It's a little bit of "Qt magic".
    		QQuickItem* CEditor::loadQml(QString file, QQuickItem* parent)
    			QQmlComponent   component(myQmlEngine, QUrl(file));
    			QQuickItem*     object = qobject_cast<QQuickItem*>(component.create());
    			QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(object, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
    			return object;
    		void CEditor::addLabel(QQuickItem* parent, QString text, std::vector<QQuickItem *> *list)
    			QQuickItem* object = loadQml("qrc:/ParamLabel.qml", parent);
    			object->setProperty("text", QVariant(text));
    		void CEditor::addComboBox(QQuickItem* parent, QStringList& values, std::vector<QQuickItem*>* list, int id, int index)
    			QQuickItem* object = loadQml("qrc:/ParamComboBox.qml", parent);
    			object->setProperty("model", QVariant(values));
    			object->setProperty("identifier", QVariant(id));
    			object->setProperty("currentIndex", QVariant(index));
    Well that was a lot of work, but now we have a way to add various parameter for a given wall type.
    Next time we will see how to retrieve those datas in the game to finally display some ornates.