Bump Mapping
About the code
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 640
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 480
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// init the window
gfx.clearScreen(Color(0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE));
int width, height;
Color* background = tga.load("background.tga", &width, &height);
Color* lightImage = tga.load("light.tga", &width, &height);
Then we loop over each pixel and we get the light.
while (sys.isQuitRequested() == false)
// draw the image
for (int y = 0; y < SCREEN_HEIGHT; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < SCREEN_WIDTH; ++x)
// compute the light intensity
int light = lightImage[y * SCREEN_WIDTH + x].r;
We get the background color, we multiply it by the light, and we draw the pixel.
// get the background color
Color col = background[y * SCREEN_WIDTH + x];
// modulate the color by the light intensity
col.r = col.r * light / 255;
col.g = col.g * light / 255;
col.b = col.b * light / 255;
gfx.setPixel(x, y, col);
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The rest of the program is classic. We handle the events, and end the main loop.
Moving the light
int lightPosX, lightPosY;
float angle = 0.0f;
Inside the main loop we will compute the light position
// move the light
lightPosX = 160 * sin(angle);
lightPosY = 120 * sin(2.0f * angle);
angle += 0.02f;
And when we read the light pixel, we will add this position and check if we stay inside the image.
int light = 0;
int lightX = x + lightPosX;
int lightY = y + lightPosY;
if (lightX >= 0 && lightX < SCREEN_WIDTH &&
lightY >= 0 && lightY < SCREEN_HEIGHT)
light = lightImage[lightY * SCREEN_WIDTH + lightX].r;
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The bump effect
Color* bump = tga.load("bump.tga", &width, &height);
Now, for each point of this image we will need to get the "derivatives" along x and y.
// compute the bump disturbance
int deltaX = 0;
int deltaY = 0;
if (x < SCREEN_WIDTH - 1 && y < SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1)
int current = bump[ y * SCREEN_WIDTH + x ].r;
int right = bump[ y * SCREEN_WIDTH + (x + 1)].r;
int down = bump[(y + 1) * SCREEN_WIDTH + x ].r;
deltaX = right - current;
deltaY = down - current;
Then we add these deltas to the light position.
int lightX = x + lightPosX + deltaX;
int lightY = y + lightPosY + deltaY;
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Now the image seems to come out of the wood.
Engraving wood
int lightX = x + lightPosX - deltaX;
int lightY = y + lightPosY - deltaY;
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And this is what it looks like:
int lightX = x + lightPosX - deltaX * 2;
int lightY = y + lightPosY - deltaY * 2;
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And now it looks really deep.