Von Koch and friends

About the code

The code in this article was written using Code::Blocks and SDL 2.
You can read here a guide to install this software.
Although it is based on SDL, I don't use its functions directly. I have written a small library with a few basic
functions to ease the understanding and the portability to another language.
You can read more about this lib here.

In this article I use the vector class I first talked about here.

The von Koch curve

The von Koch curve is one of the simplest fractals often used as an example to teach what a fractal is.
Here is the definition of its first step. First we start with a line that we suppose of length 1 for simplicity.

We divide this segments in 3 equal parts:

We remove the middle one.

And we draw 2 more segments an 60° angle so that the center part looks like an equilateral triangle without the

Then we repeat this process for each of these 4 segments. We repeat it for each new segment we created.
And so on.

So to code that we will write a vonKoch function that will take start and end points of the line, along with a
level variable that we will explain later.
		void vonKoch(Vec2f p1, Vec2f p2, int level)
We will compute the positions of the N0, N1 and N2 point as we described above.
			Vec2f   n[3];

			Vec2f   v12 = p2 - p1;
			n[0] = p1 + v12 * 1 / 3;
			n[2] = p1 + v12 * 2 / 3;

			Vec2f   v02 = n[2] - n[0];
			n[1] = n[0] + v02;
And then we will call the function again for each segment we have
			vonKoch(  p1, n[0], level + 1);
			vonKoch(n[0], n[1], level + 1);
			vonKoch(n[1], n[2], level + 1);
			vonKoch(n[2],   p2, level + 1);
But if we run this program like that it will never exit this function.
We need a way to get out of it after a given number of iterations.
So at the beginning of the function we will test the level variable which is in fact a simple counter.
		int maxLevel = 5;

		void vonKoch(Vec2f p1, Vec2f p2, int level)
			if (level >= maxLevel)
And as we are here at the maximum level we will draw the line on the screen and exit the function.
				gfx.line(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, Color(255, 255, 255));
Then in the main function we will simply call the vonKoch function with the coordinates of our starting line.
		Vec2f   left (             0, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2);
		Vec2f   right(SCREEN_WIDTH-1, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2);

		vonKoch(left, right, 0);

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows
And this is the result of this program:


The simplest way to animate this program is to render the screen and wait a little bit right after we draw the
As the calls to vonKoch() are ordered, we will see the curve drawing from the left to the right.
		if (level >= maxLevel)
			gfx.line(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, Color(255, 255, 255));

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows
But there is a better way to animate it by displaying the successives steps of the fractal.
To do that, we have to call the display routine inside the main loop.
		int cnt = 0;

		// wait until we quit
		while (sys.isQuitRequested() == false)
			if (cnt == 0)
				gfx.clearScreen(Color(0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE));
				vonKoch(left, right, 0);
The cnt variable is a counter that will be increased. And each time it will get to 50, we will increase the
maxLevel variable until it reaches a maximum value.

			if (maxLevel < 6 && cnt == 50)
				cnt = 0;
As we wait for 20 ms in each main loop, maxLevel will be increased every 50 * 20 ms, so every second.

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows

The von Koch snowflake

The von Koch snowflake uses the same process as the von Koch curve.
But now we start with a triangle instead of a single line.

		Vec2f   left (SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - SCREEN_WIDTH/4, (SCREEN_HEIGHT*5)/18);
		Vec2f   right(SCREEN_WIDTH/2 + SCREEN_WIDTH/4, (SCREEN_HEIGHT*5)/18);

		Vec2f   v = right - left;
		Vec2f   bottom = left + v;
Then we will call the draw function 3 times. One time for each line.
		if (cnt == 0)
			gfx.clearScreen(Color(0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE));
			vonKoch(left,   right,  0);
			vonKoch(right,  bottom, 0);
			vonKoch(bottom, left,   0);

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows
And here is the result after 5 steps:

The Cesàro fractal

The Cesàro fractal is a more spiky version of the von Koch curve.
The construction is the same but the angle of central segments is greater than 60°.

To program that it I chose a 80° angle:
		Vec2f   n[3];

		Vec2f   v12 = p2 - p1;
		n[0] = p1 + v12 * 0.427f;
		n[2] = p2 - v12 * 0.427f;

		Vec2f   v = n[0] - p1;
		n[1] = n[0] + v;

		vonKoch(  p1, n[0], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[0], n[1], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[1], n[2], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[2],   p2, level + 1);

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows
And here is what it looks like:

The squares pyramid

If we follow the idea of the Cesàro fractal up to 90° we end up with a "T" shaped model:

		Vec2f   n[3];

		Vec2f   v12 = p2 - p1;
		n[0] = p1 + v12 / 2;
		n[2] = n[0];

		Vec2f   v = n[0] - p1;
		n[1] = n[0] + v;

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows
And here is the result:

The Cantor set

The Cantor set's rule begins like the von Koch's one but we stop after removing the middle segment:

		Vec2f   n[2];

		Vec2f   v12 = p2 - p1;
		n[0] = p1 + v12 * 1 / 3;
		n[1] = p1 + v12 * 2 / 3;

		vonKoch(  p1, n[0], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[1],   p2, level + 1);

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows
And this is what we get after 5 iterations:

The quadratic von Koch

The quadratic von Koch rule is as follow:

		Vec2f   n[7];

		Vec2f   v  = (p2 - p1) / 4;
		Vec2f   v2 = v;

		n[0] = p1 + v;
		n[6] = p2 - v;

		n[1] = n[0] + v2;
		n[5] = n[6] - v2;

		n[2] = n[1] + v;
		n[4] = n[5] - v;

		n[3] = (n[2] + n[4]) / 2;

		vonKoch(  p1, n[0], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[0], n[1], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[1], n[2], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[2], n[3], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[3], n[4], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[4], n[5], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[5], n[6], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[6],   p2, level + 1);

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows
This is what we get after 4 iterations:

The quadratic island

If we apply the quadratic rule on a square we get what is called a quadratic island, or quadratic flake.
		Vec2f   p[4];


		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			int n = (i + 1) %4;
			vonKoch(p[i], p[n], 0);

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows
And this is what it looks like:

The "C" curve

Now let's try to apply this rule:

		Vec2f v12 = p2 - p1;
		v12 /= sqrt(2);
		Vec2f n = p1 + v12;

		vonKoch(p1,  n, level + 1);
		vonKoch( n, p2, level + 1);

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows
And this is what we see after 10 iterations:

The Peano-like curve

The last rule is a bit more complex:

It is inspired by the Peano curve.
		Vec2f   n[8];

		Vec2f   v12  = (p2 - p1) * 4.0f / 15.0f;
		Vec2f   v12b = v12;
		Vec2f   v12c = v12;


		n[0] = p1 + v12;
		n[7] = p2 - v12;

		n[1] = n[0] + v12b;
		n[6] = n[7] - v12b;

		n[2] = n[1] + v12;
		n[5] = n[6] - v12;

		n[3] = n[2] + v12c;
		n[4] = n[5] - v12c;

		vonKoch(  p1, n[0], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[0], n[1], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[1], n[2], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[2], n[3], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[3], n[4], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[4], n[5], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[5], n[6], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[6], n[7], level + 1);
		vonKoch(n[7],   p2, level + 1);

		Download source code
		Download executable for Windows
And this is the result after 4 iterations.


Video of the programs in this article

Video: Von Koch curve in Javascript

Science et Vie Micro n°6 page 92